When Bad Turns to Worse – Mark 5:21-43

Mark 5:36 (Amplified Bible) Overhearing but ignoring what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear; only keep on believing.

In other words, don’t give up the faith by which you first believed.

Hebrews 10:35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.

In Mark 5 we have this wonderful story of two desperate people who received their reward.  First, Jairus, ruler of the synagogue, came to Jesus because his daughter was dying and Jesus was his last hope.  But he came with hope.  He had heard the stories of many being healed and he believed Jesus could heal his daughter.

Jesus went with him.  A great crowd came as well, pressing Jesus on every side.  I imagine the pace could have been quicker had the people given them room.  Yet, at least they were on the way to the ruler’s house.   Then everything stopped. 

With his daughter so near death, I can sense the urgency heighten as Jesus stops to ask, “Who touched Me?”   It must have seemed incredible to this father with all the people pressing Jesus, to hear Him ask this question.  I’d be thinking, “Are you kidding me?”  Did fear rise up?  Sure.  Was this frustrating?  It had to be.

Yet, Jesus did not seem to pay any attention to the ruler’s trepidation.  He was not worried.  He had enough faith to raise up the young girl regardless of how they found her.  Did Jairus know that?  Probably not.  But Jesus knew it.  So, when the woman with the issue of blood touched his garment and healing power flowed out of Jesus into her, He could stop and investigate.

Two points.  Though there are several points of interest here, two are more relevant to this study.

1.  When Jesus is involved we never need to be seized with alarm or struck with fear when bad turns to worse.  All we need do is keep on believing and His will shall not fail to manifest what is needed; whether that is peace to a storm or peace to one’s heart.

2.  Jesus cares as much for the woman who had violated the law of defilement by blood, desperate to touch His garment, as He does for the ruler’s daughter.

Jesus handles both concerns.  He takes as much time with this woman as she needs to assure her that she could go in peace.  A woman with an issue of blood should never have been in a crowd.  She was supposed to remain at a distance from everyone, less she defile anyone who might touch her or her clothes.  Jairus, as the ruler of the synagogue, knows all this, and while he is listening to this exchange, some from his house arrive to tell him that his daughter has died.

As all hope starts draining away, yet before he has time to despair, Jesus comes to his rescue and challenges the rising fear.  “Don’t be afraid.  Only believe.”  Something about this man, Jesus, and His words keep hope alive and they continue on.  Despite that, the scene worsens.  They arrive to the sound of wailing mourners.  Though Jesus speaks God’s truth into the situation, they laugh Him so scorn.  But Jesus is the Christ.  He takes the parents in with Him and raises their daughter to perfect health.

Fear is the enemy’s agent to rob you of faith, kill your hope and destroy your testimony (John 10:10).  But we can look away (repent) from fear to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, .

With your eyes on Jesus, you can walk on water.  With your ears tuned to His voice, your heart need not harden in unbelief.  Seeing and hearing Him, His great faith crosses the boundaries from His Spirit to your heart.  You see it in His eyes.  You hear it in His voice, and His faith, as the living Word of God arises in your heart.  You can go with Him to the place of your greatest fear and in His faith (which is righteousness) bring kingdom peace and joy (Romans 14:17).

Don’t let fear have place in your heart (Ephesians 4:27).  Focus on the Author of your faith and go with Him all the way to the finish line where faith overcomes.

Philippians 1:6 (The Living Bible) And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns.

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