Join us to expand the Kingdom of God in real ways!
We at Kingdom Expansion Ministries International, Inc. appreciate your gifts which enable us to minister the healing and salvation of spirit, soul and body to those we reach locally, nationally and internationally though the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the grace and power of His Spirit. Together our impact is still increasing to souls in need and those desiring to reach them.
How you are helping:
1. Your gifts and donations: Every dollar is invaluable toour work and the Kingdom.
2. Become a ministry partner financially.
3. Join our ministry team to pray for people to receive salvation, physical healing and inner healing of trauma through Bethel Sozo Ministry.
4. Share your testimony what God has done for you through our ministry.
We appreciate your gifts and desire your prayers for the effectiveness of our ministry, as well as those of our partners.
Please send us an email so that we can stay in touch with you.